About Us

The story behin mkdirs.com

👋 Hi, I’m Javayhu.

In 2024, I embarked on my indie hacking journey, and it’s been an exciting adventure ever since.

A month later, I launched Hai Tang and made it open source.

Two months later, I launched Indie Hackers, which is still running and generating revenue for me.

Six months later, I launched Mkdirs, the ultimate directory website template.

Why did I create Mkdirs?

I realized that every time I wanted to build a new directory website, I had to repeat the same steps—set up the codebase, design the Sanity schemas, handle Stripe webhooks, send emails with Resend, creating the pricing page, and more. So, I built Mkdirs for three main reasons:

• Save time and focus on what matters: Build a directory quickly!

• Avoid common headaches: No more dealing with emails ending up in spam or complicated Stripe integrations or designing complex Sanity schemas.

• Get profitable faster: The more you ship, the more you learn, and the more you earn.

Nearly 5,000 people follow me on Twitter, and my product Indie Hackers was awarded the #1 Product of the Day on Uneed and #1 Product of the week on DevHunt.

With Mkdirs, you can launch your own directory website in minutes and start making your first dollar online just like I did!